Fifth grade history focuses on the study of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece, beginning with a discussion of the question “what is a civilization?”  In the fall we concentrate on the history of ancient Egypt, learning about the geography and the significance of the Nile River on the development of civilization. Fifth graders begin to learn how to be students of history, keeping materials organized, taking notes, carefully reading text and crafting written answers. We also emphasize good group and classroom listening and participation.  

In the winter, as our study of Egypt progresses, each student will be responsible for researching an Egyptian god or goddess and presenting a PowerPoint presentation to her classmates. This research effort includes use of the Middle School Library resources, including NoodleTools, for developing both bibliographic and note taking skills, as well as the use of the Google platform to write and revise the presentation. Our study of ancient Egypt concludes with a visit to the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology to see Egyptian artifacts.

Come spring students begin a study of Ancient Greece, exploring its geography, history and mythology. Students learn about the early Minoan and Mycenaean cultures and the Golden Age of Athens. A highlight of the trimester is an Olympian Greek banquet. Students continue to practice their reading, research, note taking, writing and speaking skills, and complement their study with a variety of art projects.