Sixth grade history is a journey to the Middle East and Western Europe during the medieval period.   Our study of the Middle East focuses on the history of Islam with an emphasis on building an empire and its cultural contributions, while our study of Western Europe examines the influential role of the Roman Catholic Church and the development of feudalism in medieval society. We begin each unit of study with map skills pertaining to those regions of the world.  This course will continue to emphasize how to be a student of history in the middle school:  learning how to take notes, keep our materials organized and write well-developed paragraphs.  We also emphasize good classroom listening and speaking, while showing respect to others.  Special experiences include field trips and Medieval Night.  Students visit a mosque to enrich their study of Islam.  While studying the medieval period in Europe, they attend a banquet/tournament at Medieval Times and visit Bryn Athyn Cathedral/Glencairn Museum.  A highlight of the spring is Medieval Night, an interdisciplinary event.