Board of Trustees

We are grateful to the parents, alumnae, and leaders of industry who provide counsel to our institution. 

Board Chair Anne Ford P'30

In May, 2022, the Board of Trustees announced the appointment of Anne Ford P'30 as its next Board of Trustees Chair. Anne is Director of Communications with Hirtle Callaghan, an investment management firm based in Conshohocken, PA, and has been a trustee since 2018 - serving as a Vice Chair for two years. Anne graduated magna cum laude from Duke University with a B.A. in Political Science and received her Master's Degree from Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. Anne and her husband David (The Haverford School '93) have three children, including Evelyn '30, along with Render '24 and Jack '26 who both attend The Haverford School. 

Three Questions with Anne

Executive Leadership and Members

Chair - Anne Ford P'30
Vice Chairs - Polly Warren Coxe '77, Sean McCarthy P'18, '20, '23, '26
Secretary - Sarah Roth '94
Treasurer - Dan Goldsmith P'22, '25, '27
Anthony T. Bennett P'32
Aarti Bijlani P'28, '30
Brian Bernhardt P'24
Gregory Brown P'33, '34
Susan S. Burch* P'09, '10, '30*
Luisa Contreiras P'29
Amy Cooper P'27
Wendy Rhoads Costa '90
Frank L. Coulson, III P'29
Donta Evans P'30, '31
Nick Gaspari P'35, '37
Sam Glickman P'28, '29 
Kareema Levetter Gray ’90
Chester Hall P'37
Anne Fritchman Hamilton ’74 P'01*

Shaina Flynn Hamilton '01
Catherine Haldy Jarman ’98 P'29, '31
Nick Karalis P'27
Sally Keidel P'27, Head of School 
Ann V. Klotz '78
James J. Lawson P'34, '36
Kelly M. Malloy, M.D. ’93
Laura Buck Marshall ’74 P'10*
Sarah Marshall P'26
Susan Hirtle McEvoy ’00 P'31, '34
Clare Putnam Pozos ’00 P'32
Andrea Lucas Schmerin '07**
Jody Seibert P'18, '21, '25, '31***
Ann Laupheimer Sonnenfeld ’77, Esq. P'13*
Bruce E. Terker P'09*
Jacques Vauclain P'21, '26
  *Trustee Emerita/Emeritus
 **Ex Officio, Alumnae Association President
***Ex Officio, Parents' Association President