150 Acts of Kindness
Irwin's girls live a legacy.
As we recognize our school's 150-year history of empowering girls, we are launching a historic campaign to engage our students and global network of alumnae in giving back. Owls near and far can make a personal pledge to perform 150 acts of kindness — both small and large — during the anniversary year, or meet up to participate in one of our regional Acts of Kindness events. Want to get involved in one of the cities below, or take the lead organizing a kindness project in your region? Email AIS150@agnesirwin.org and let us know!
Take the Acts of Kindness Pledge!
Fill out the information below to take the pledge and download a 150 Acts of Kindness sheet.
Please send completed Acts of Kindness pledge forms back to Agnes Irwin so we can keep track. Email your completed forms to AIS150@agnesirwin.org.
Regional 150th Acts of Kindness Events
Events are being organized in the cities below. To get involved, please email National Acts of Kindness Chair Charlotte Hamilton Marshall ’05 at AIS150@agnesirwin.org and she will get you connected to the local lead for the event nearest you.