Get ready for an intellectual journey
Our Philosophy
2024-25 US Course of Study
Our Program
For example: Four years of English are required in Upper School, but during senior year, students choose two semester-long courses on topics of their choosing — such as The Craft of Playwriting; Irish Literature; Exploring Mental Illness in Literature; Modernism; and Contemporary Native American Literature, among other options.
Chart your own course.
Below are just a few of the courses available to students in our course booklet. And, since we are intentional about igniting curiosity in our students, we're always exploring new ideas for courses to offer.
In this year-long course, students will get the chance to explore the history of American Musical Theatre and to expand their skills and repertoire by learning and performing songs from multiple eras and styles. Students will focus on acting through song and by the end of this course, they will have a deeper understanding of the relation of text and music, as well as gaining performance experience and significant feedback. The work in this course will culminate in a cabaret performance, where students will be required to sing one solo song and maywork on additional duets or group performances.
During senior year, history students delve deeper through courses like The American Constitution, Economics & Entrepreneurship, Modern Black History, The Third Reich and Holocaust, The World Before and After 9/11. Students can also elect to pursue an optional honors designation, choosing a related topic that interests them, and exploring it further through a yearlong independent research project.
In Agnes Irwin’s Independent Science Research Program, students conduct an independent science project to experience how science is done in the “real world.” Students are matched with mentors who guide their research project, and typically spend 4-8 weeks working in a research laboratory before writing up their findings to be presented to the AIS community. Over the last eight years, the ISR program has given over 40 students an opportunity to see science in action as they research topics in biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science alongside our community partners, including professors at University of Pennsylvania College of Medicine, Villanova University, Ursinus College, and CHOP.
Signature Programs
Special Studies Program
Senior Assembly
By senior year, the art of public speaking is second nature to our students. Each senior prepares and presents a 10-minute speech on a topic of her choice, sharing her passion and knowledge with the entire Upper School community.
Honors Capstone
11th and 12th grade students who are intrinsically motivated and eager to dive deeper into a discipline and extend their learning beyond what is covered in the curriculum may apply for Honors Capstone.