Leading for Change Conference Makes Impact
Posted 02/11/2014 02:58PM

Last year, the Council for the Advancement of Girls, a student-led organization that promotes the values and visions of the Center, came up with the idea to bring high school girls from around the region together to discuss issues of concern to girls. The idea turned into "Leading for Change," a day-long leadership conference that would empower girls through education. 

In September, after months of hard work, they pulled it off and attracted nearly 150 attendees representing 19 public and private schools in the Greater Philadelphia region. The aim of the conference was to create an opportunity for girls to come together, be inspired and get educated about issues affecting girls and women both locally and abroad.

The conference featured two keynote speakers: Philadelphia’s veteran 6ABC news anchor Lisa Thomas-Laury and Philadelphia native Maryfrances Metrick of Centerbridge Partners, a New York-based hedge fund. Both women spoke to the crowd about staying positive, following your dreams and the important attributes that make a leader. Thomas-Laury emphasized the importance of friendship in times of hardship. Metrick focused on the power of "yes" and the possibilities that come from simply saying "yes," while also reminding girls: “Don’t forget about other people. It is not just about you.”

A Girls’ and Women’s Walkabout, or information fair, showcased pairs of Agnes Irwin students who presented on a host of different topics that affect women and girls, such as women in the media, women in STEM, domestic violence and breast health. Afterward, the girls attended a networking luncheon where they met local businesswomen from companies like The Vanguard Group. The volunteers mingled with conference attendees and talked to them about their own paths to leadership. In the afternoon, the girls participated in a variety of workshops with topics ranging from public speaking to social activism. The day ended with a group activity in which the girls were charged with creating Dream Flags, to capture the essence of their leadership goals. The Dream Flag Project ® is an annual community-building program that uses art and poetry to promote civic engagement.

Building on the success of the conference, the Council is now working on ways to package their operation and expand into other schools through a “How To” video tutorial on the steps to creating a student organization focused on addressing girls’ issues.